This was actually taken by us when we went out West in 2015. Who knew we’d be in an emotional wilderness 5 years later!
“This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer… I am the Lord, your Holy One… I am the Lord who opened a way through the waters. I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned…But forget all that! It is nothing compared to WHAT I AM GOING TO DO! For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland!” Isaiah 43:15-19 (portions of it from NLT version. Yes. I know that version is a bit off but sometimes I like it’s translation :-) Anyone besides me parched in the wilderness and a bit uncertain of what’s next? Will we reopen Florida? Will we be able to go to the grocery store unafraid? Will the virus spread more or stop? and for crying out loud, when can I see my friends again?! This extrovert needs hugs!!! Hee-hee
Oh my goodness! This chapter of Isaiah brought me so much joy and excitement and hope today (as did these super cool cacti that we saw out West years ago)! It’s also a bit of a wake-up call! I began by reading the first few verses and inserting my name where the word Jacob was in verse 1. Oh, what sweetness! If you haven’t done that, I want to highly recommend it! Such a delight to think the God of Jacob is with us and has called us by name and has ransomed us! It doesn’t really get much better than that! Especially during these times when we sometimes feel so parched and sometimes lonely and sometimes struggling with fear! I LOVE how he tells us DO NOT BE AFRAID over and over. I also notice how it’s not a suggestion for an imperative sentence…a command! He is commanding us to not be afraid! That’s pretty big! So I am learning that when I fear, I am disobeying God. OUCH!! That’s a tough one. I know I will have moments of struggling with it but I am certainly not supposed to dwell on my fear.
We are not to fear the Corona virus, fear our uncertain future, fear our kids’ uncertain futures, fear government decisions, or other people’s decisions (to include our boss’ decisions, friends & family decisions, etc). I know this is super hard and we live in such a weird time where we are all connected yet all of a sudden (as of past few months) all separated! How is that even possible? UGH! This is so weird, yall!!! We can see each other’s comings and goings (via social media or in town, etc) and we can’t hug each other or spend time together, but we can certainly pass judgment on each other and become fearful that a close friend/family is out and about and wonder what effect that decision (to go get groceries or go social distance with a friend, or whatever) will have on us. Eek! We wonder, ‘What if they catch the virus, or spread the virus?’ There’s just so so much fear! And while we all need to use common sense and make good judgments, it is becoming increasingly clear to me as I read the word of God, that we are NOT to FEAR! And that it is an actual sin to dwell on fear! Guilty as charged. Bummer!
I know for me personally, fear has caused me to make some of the stupidest choices! (insert embarrassed face here, please :-). I have about busted my tail trying to get away from spiders or frogs (or for those who know me best…lizards!! YUCK!) I have said things and hurt people (out of fear). I have missed opportunities (out of fear)! The list could go on and on truly. I really have let fear have entirely too much power over me at times! Please tell me I am not the only one. Surely I’m not alone in this. :-) But God just really encouraged (which means - to give courage to) me today as I read in Isaiah that I am not to fear and…here comes the good part…
He is doing a new thing!
That is so exciting! I love watching God orchestrate things that only could have come about because of this virus. The slowing down, the quieting of the soul, new opportunities, new growth, leaning deeper into family relationships! While I know there have been so many hard things that have come from quarantine and from this virus, I will be over here hanging onto this verse and believing that God is doing a new thing & making a way in the wilderness!!
Okay, so what in the world should we do instead of being afraid? How are we supposed to fight that fear? Glad you asked! (as if you had a choice ;) Well, I love how usually when God says “Do not be afraid”, it does not stand alone! There is more to it! He doesn’t leave us hanging! He encourages us with what He will do next or reminds us of a truth (such as who we are or who He is)! That is certainly is the case in these verses!
“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. (Exodus 14:13) (Woohoo!! Thumbs up for deliverance from this stupid virus, right?)
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.” (Isaiah 43:1) (Oh how thankful I am for His redemption and his calling me…by my name!! Yay!)
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) (I absolutely love this follow-up from fear…that He will strengthen & help us!)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7) (Okay, there’s a ton of good follow-up in these verses! Prayer, petition, thanksgiving!! Whoop whoop!)
“Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.” (Deuteronomy 3:22) (I can’t tell you how much I love the vision of God standing over my enemy and fighting for me! Makes me feel so loved and protected!)
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”( Matthew 6:34) (Oh have mercy! This is probably the one I need to read and focus on every single day!! Anyone else besides me? LOL)
So I just wanted to encourage you all today, to stand strong and not let fear rule over you! I think we probably all “go there” at times and feel afraid but we can certainly choose not to dwell on it! God is so gracious to remind me of this today. So thankful for the word of God! And I am especially thankful that He is doing a new thing!!!
I am praying that He opens all of our eyes to see the new things He is doing and what beauty He is bringing from all this quarantine and sickness mess! He is greater than all of it and can and will redeem it all!
He is forever faithful! Be encouraged!
Allen & Carol