As we are wrapping up summer over here (okay…a little slower than most..we hate to see it go - except for the heat!), had to share these precious family photos we had the honor of capturing in August!
We first met the Humphrey family last year when they vacationed at the beach and needed family photos. This is part of our Kentucky Fan Club. LOL. I kid, but really…these Kentucky families we have gotten to know over the past few years (thru getting to photograph them as they vacay on the gorgeous Gulf Coast) are some of the most genuine people! So last year, we photographed this beautiful family, and they were a family of 4…sort of…if you count Heavenly babies, they were a family of 6 (almost 7). This beautiful momma in these photos…she was absolutely amazing, considering the losses she had endured. She was all smiles and rainbows (especially last year!!! Yay!! Someone had made her a rainbow dress for her rainbow baby that she was pregnant with and it was so gorgeous and perfect for their family shoot! A sweet reminder of the promises of God and the hope that God places in our hearts, even in the middle of a tough journey. So we were delighted to photograph their family, along with the growing rainbow baby inside the Mommy’s tummy!
So…fast forward to this year and we got to meet that precious Rainbow baby!!! (Did I mention how ridiculously excited I was to meet her. I miscarried back in 1999, so…rainbow babies are especially dear to my heart).
We had the best time with them, watching the boys play and be silly (they are sooo cute!) and watching sweet baby L smile and make faces at us! The only (and I mean only) downside to doing photos like this and holding that sweet baby girl is that I have been having withdrawals ever since. Ugh! Oh well. It was totally worth it! Allen does such an amazing job photographing families (not really sure what I do. LOL..I just make faces at the kids and crack stupid jokes - that they sometimes don’t laugh at…embarrassing!). Then after we photograph the kiddos, I usually get to hang with them (and hold the babies..Yay!) while Allen photographs Mom & Dad. It’s totally a win-win! Listening to the waves, sticking my toes in the sand, hanging with some of the most genuine and kind-hearted people we’ve ever met, and holding a rainbow baby…I would call that the best job ever!!! Always such a delight and honor when a family trusts us to capture their love for each other!
(Oh…and props to our middle daughter who helped us on this shoot! We love having any of our kids along when we work. They are such huge helps, and we love spending time with them after the shoot as well). The first few photos are of the shoot we did with them last year when she was pregnant and then the rest are of the shoot this year. So so fun to see the progression and the promises of God fulfilled in their lives!

Thanks Humphrey Family! We love you guys!