In Sickness and In Health
22 years ago, when we vowed to love each other "in sickness and in health", we never imagined what the years would bring? Looking back, I wouldn't want to know what the years would bring anyway. I mean, who really wants to know, right?" If we knew how tough things would get, would we sign up for it? Well, maybe. Hee-hee. No matter how sick or how well tho, Allen & I would choose each other all over again. In a heartbeat!
Speaking of heartbeat, mine (Carol's) started acting funny this weekend. The combination of that, a bit of chest pain & lightheadedness led us to call the doc and head on into urgent care. After an EKG, chest xray and blood work all came out fine, we were sent home. Of course Allen was right by my side. Even tho that meant he had to give up his beloved Saturday afternoon and clean up his weekend projects earlier than planned. Y'all, this man is such a hard worker and I HATE making him give up his weekends...especially after Hurricane Irma gobbled up our last weekend and entire week really. Anyhow, home we went without much explanation (except musculoskeletal pain diagnosis, since I had fallen down a few stairs 5 days before).
Next morning, I woke with the same symptoms and thought maybe I was imagining it. So we went to church and while out to lunch, got a call from the nurse where I was day before, that said my bloodwork came back and my "D-Dimer" was English terms, they wanted me to go to the ER for a cat scan to rule out Pulmonary Embolism (a blood clot). Not really what we wanted to hear of course. So, we finished eating lunch and now my sweet man sits next to me in the ER. I really don't know how I got so blessed! Not only was he insistent on taking me (yes, I told him I could drive myself..LOL), but he also has been doting on me and taking such great care of me. I hated for him to give up more of his weekend (Heck! I even hated giving up Sunday afternoon myself! Sunday afternoons are a bit sacred at our house. Its a time we can rest, or read books, or tinker, or really do whatever we want. Its glorious!). But give it up he did. Why? Because of the "In Sickness and In Health" clause. Oh...and because he LOVES me. And thats what love does.
Love gives up its weekends;
Love takes you to the ER;
Love sits in a cold uncomfortable chair in the ER for hours...just to be by your side;
Love tells you its going to be okay when you're scared;
Love bears all things, believes all things hopes all things, endures all things..LOVE NEVER FAILS. (another part of our wedding ceremony that comes from I Corinthians 13...aka the Love Chapter in the Bible).
This is just what we do for each other. Together we have been thru surgeries, hospital stays, 3 labors, a miscarriage, flus, middle-of-the-night ER visits, debilitating back pain, anxiety and depression and much more. This is just what Love does!
So here we sit, at the ER. Several EKGs, too many vials of blood taken (ick), and a cat scan later, turns out, we are all cleared. Not really sure what my body is doing but seems it's reacting strangely to falling down a set of stairs this past Monday. In the healing process, it has decided to give me a bit of a scare! But the whole process was made so much easier with my Love by my side. Cant imagine going thru these things without him.
Remember to always be there for each sickness and in health!
Cheering you on,